Clausen & Hassan  |  August 22, 2019

The “Basics” of Spousal Maintenance Arrears in Minnesota

Spousal maintenance can be awarded as part of a dissolution of marriage or legal separation proceeding and consists of periodic payments from the future income or earnings of one spouse
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Farhan  |  February 13, 2018

Standard of Living in Minnesota Spousal Maintenance Cases

In any divorce proceeding when one party asks for spousal maintenance, the essence of the claim is that the income is not sufficient to meet that spouses monthly living expenses.
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Farhan  |  February 6, 2018

My Spouse is Now Making More Money; Can I Reduce My Spousal Maintenance Payments?

Unless the spousal maintenance obligation was subject to a Karon Waiver, the answer is most likely yes. However, the precise answer depends on the facts and circumstances of each case.
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Farhan  |  January 30, 2018

Can a Judge Determine Reasonable Monthly Expenses in a Minnesota Spousal Maintenance Case?

The answer is yes. If the two parties to a divorce proceeding cannot agree on what is an appropriate spousal maintenance obligation, the Judge has the authority to decide the
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Clausen & Hassan  |  May 22, 2017

Spousal Maintenance – Not a Profit Sharing Plan

There are a lot of misconceptions about spousal maintenance, but one that I hear most frequently is that your ex-spouse will get half of everything you earn from now on. 
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Farhan  |  February 10, 2017

Spousal Maintenance and Cohabitation in Minnesota

Minnesota law allows a spousal maintenance award (a.k.a. alimony) to be reduced, suspended, reserved, or even terminated if the party receiving alimony (the obligee) moves in with a significant other
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Clausen & Hassan  |  February 6, 2017

Essential Elements to a Karon Waiver for Spousal Maintenance in Minnesota

One of the most powerful tools available to parties in a spousal maintenance case is called a Karon Waiver.  This tool is named after the Minnesota case of Karon v
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Clausen & Hassan  |  January 31, 2017

The Impact of Failing to Reserve Spousal Maintenance in Minnesota

Any client who deals with spousal maintenance will probably hear a description from their attorney of a Karon Waiver.  A Karon Waiver is an agreement made by the parties to
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Farhan  |  January 11, 2013

Changing alimony and earning ability in Minnesota Divorce

A party seeking modification of spousal maintenance (or changing alimony) has the burden to show a substantial change of circumstances, since the time maintenance award was set, and that these
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