Clausen & Hassan  |  November 23, 2017

Five Things to Consider When Selecting a Mediator

Mediation is a common form of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Minnesota family law cases. Although Mediation can be very helpful to the parties, the selection of an appropriate Mediator for
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Clausen & Hassan  |  August 3, 2017

Five Tips to Help you Prepare for a Minnesota Divorce Mediation

Research Mediators It is important to select the right mediator for the specific factual and legal issues in your case. The mediator you select for your case should also be
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Farhan  |  July 14, 2017

Can I get out of my Mediated Agreement?

You went to mediation or an Early Neutral Evaluation (Social Early Neutral Evaluation or Financial Early Neutral Evaluation) and came to a mediated agreement. If you are looking to find
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Clausen & Hassan  |  April 5, 2017

What is Child Inclusive Mediation?

Typically, children do not participate in mediation. In some situations, parents may want their children to have a voice in the process. This may be based on the age of
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Farhan  |  July 14, 2013

Effective Mediation Tips Involving Minnesota Divorce

HIRE OR CONSULT AN ATTORNEY: It might seem as if you know each and every piece about your divorce; you know about your children; and you know about the assets
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Farhan  |  September 1, 2011

Family Law Appellate Mediation Program

In most divorce cases, after a district court issues a final Judgment and Decree, the divorce is final and the now-former spouses go their separate ways.  However, in some cases,
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Farhan  |  October 15, 2010

Mediation Clause in Minnesota Divorce Decree

Every Divorce Decree typically contains a method of resolving future disputes (e.g. Mediation, Parenting Expeditor, etc) involving child related matters.  After the divorce is completed and if the parties choose,
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Farhan  |  August 23, 2010

Alternative Dispute Resolution in MN Divorce

Alternative Dispute Resolution is a term used for processes that are different than litigation. Mediation, arbitration, and collaborative law are all some examples of Alternative Dispute Resolution. In these processes,
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Farhan  |  

Mediation for Alternative Dispute Resolution

Mediation is an Alternative Dispute Resolution method. A mediator is a neutral third party who may or may not be an attorney whose only job is to facilitate an agreement
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